Travel Theme: Off Centre

The Travel Theme is from Ailsa over at Where’s My Backpack.

Bertie Bee was almost drunk with excitement at the ripe and ready poppies, in fact he had to lie down to fully take advantage of the glories he found within!

"Yumzzzzzzz!" said Bertie in a state of delirium!

“Yumzzzzzzz!” said Bertie in a state of delirium!

And as always with me…a little closer!

And as always with me…a little closer!

I don't think I have ever seen a bee more covered in pollen!

I don’t think I have ever seen a bee more covered in pollen!

Fairly Off Centre…both Bertie and the poppy!

That’s All!

See Ya xx

Weekly Photo Challenge: Early Bird 3

The Challenge-Early Bird!

First thing this morning the bees were very busy…..

Mr. Bee here was collecting something from the bud of a horse chestnut that is just bursting into leaf!

Mr. Bee here is collecting something from the bud of a horse chestnut that is just bursting into leaf!

This little chap was so excited with these Forget Me Nots that he was zooming from one to another. I could barely keep up with him!

This little chap was so excited with these Forget Me Nots that he was zooming from one to another. I could barely keep up with him!

IMG_1800 IMG_1801 IMG_1806That’s All

See Ya xx

A Word A Week Challenge: Fur

I have these photos of bees and started to do some research on whether bees have fur or hair….

Oh my goodness!

It seems that opinion is divided!

So I thought I would look and see if monkeys had fur or hair….

Oh my goodness again!

It seems that opinion is divided!

(This is going to be an easy post if I just keep repeating myself!)

It was in that great divide that I decided that the bees in my photos certainly look like they have fur and that was that!


IMG_5048 IMG_5047 IMG_5046 P1010434

For other interpretations of ‘Fur’, here’s the link to Sue’s blog ‘A Word in your Ear’

That’s All!

See Ya xx

Weekly Photo Challenge: Companionable 3


A fox and a glove are beautiful when they get together…but when you add a bee-just look…..

"Bee control, this is Buzby, I have spotted the target and I'm going in!" buzzed Buzby keeping the foxglove in his sights!

“Bee Control, this is Buzby, I have spotted the target and I’m going in!” buzzed Buzby keeping the foxglove in his sights!


"Slowly slowly, Yes Bee control, have found best entry point and am preparing to land!"

“Slowly slowly, yes Bee Control, have found best entry point and am preparing to land!”


"Here we go!"

“Here we go! Seconds to touch down!”


"Bee Control, I'm experiencing some hefty winds out here, been blown off target....need to regroup!"

“Bee Control, I’m experiencing some hefty winds out here, been blown off target….need to regroup!”


"Bee Control, I can report that the wind has died down  and I've found another place to land!"

“Bee Control, I can report that the wind has died down and I’ve found another place to land!”


"Mission accomplished!" buzzed Buzby as he flew back to his hive!

“Mission accomplished!” buzzed Buzby as he flew back to his hive!


A ‘blackberry blossom’ without a ‘b’ (bee…get it?) is a ‘lackberry lossom’…who wants that!

Zzzz yum zzz!" continued Boris!

“Zzzz yum zzz!” said a contented Boris Bee!


"Zzzzz yum zzzzzz!" said a contented Boris Bee

“Zzzzz yum zzzzzz!” continued Boris!


So pretty!

So pretty!


That’s All!

See Ya xx


More Insects and More Excuses!

Well, before I start my excuses for not having blogged for a week, I will tell you about watering my garden. Now I can already feel you quivering with excitement at the thought, but hold yourselves together for here it all comes.

Sometimes, as every gardener knows, you have to water your pots and indeed your garden, So one day last week, I knew it was that time, especially as the pretty little violas that had been recently planted seemed to be touching their toes instead of standing up proud. Hose out, water on and off I went. And here are some photos of the aforementioned violas….

So pretty

Also pretty

However, in my watering fervour I had failed to notice a small but vital bee that had been visiting the violas moments before the commencement of my watering frenzy! This was the result……

One doused bee!

Notice the large water globule upon his head!

Don’t forget you can make these pictures bigger by clicking on them. Also don’t forget to hover your mouse over the pics for inane comments.

Poor old Betrand spent the next hour or so climbing to the top of the stem of a viola and then seemed to fall down again. Mind you, I wasn’t about to put my finger in to help…thought that might be a little foolish with an angry bee!

Here’s one last photo of a wet bee…..

I like this photo!

Now quickly quickly quickly…..I have been ill, indeed still feel grim…It was, I thought, my chest. There I was, trying a new fitness regime which included swimming and or walking in the morning at about 7am. All was going well until I began to feel unwell one week and one day into it! Sigh!!

So by Friday last week I felt grotty enough to go to the docs to see if it was a chest infection. A very nice lady doctor, who seemed to be about 12, invited me to sit down. I told her that my chest was feeling tight and that, though she wouldn’t know what my voice sounded like, it didn’t normally sound like it did just then! Indeed even my voice was tight I told her. She then proceeded to ask me if I had had pain down my arms and in my jaw!! Well, as someone who will occasionally look up symptoms on the internet(!) I knew she was wondering if I had had/was having a heart attack!!

‘Ha ha ha!’ I laughed, ‘I don’t think it’s a heart attack!’

She continued undeterred whilst I began to panic inside…indeed I felt a hysteria attack was on its way and that would herald me being very very silly very very soon. Oh dear oh dear…..I was right too…..

She asked me if I had had any trouble eating or drinking! It was at this point that that I burst out laughing. She asked me why I was laughing, which made me laugh more. If you knew me you would know that I have never had any trouble eating and particularly any trouble drinking!

To cut a long story short she gave me some antibiotics in case it was an infection but told me I must come back in if it got any worse (meaning the heart attack symptoms!). Well, my virus/infection has got a little worse though the antibiotics are kicking in now, but I can definitely report that my heart is beating particularly well and shows no sign of abating!

The Lady Doctor was lovely and very kind to a slightly hysterical and maybe odd patient!

See Ya xx