Weekly Photo Challenge: Forces of Nature

I wonder if you can guess the Force of Nature I’m talking about!!

In the Soldier Beetle world they hold mass weddings!

In the Soldier Beetle world they hold mass weddings!

Some like a more intimate ceremony!

Some like a more intimate ceremony!


This honeymooning couple have not a care in the world!

This honeymooning couple have not a care in the world!

But it doesn't take long to begin to produce offspring and decide…..

But it doesn’t take long to begin to produce offspring and they decide…..

…that they need to be a little more discreet in front of the eggs!

…that they need to be a little more discreet in front of the eggs!

For some, the views from the venue are the most important!

For some, the views from the wedding venue are the most important!



Who knew the ladybird world was multicultural!

Who knew the ladybird world was multicultural!

That’s All!

See Ya xx

10 comments on “Weekly Photo Challenge: Forces of Nature

Go on.....say something to me! You know you want to! Dot knows you want to too!