Weekly Photo Challenge: Admiration

The challenge at The Weekly Photo Challenge is ‘Admiration’ this week.

Krista has asked us to ‘depict something or someone you admire’

These little fellas are due some admiration……as would anyone who can walk on water in my book!


Meet Peter the Pondskater


This next little chap is not quite as successful…I fear I might have snapped him not long before he went under.


Bernie Beetle loved Peter Pondskater and wanted to emulate him in every way….not always successfully!

Follow the link at the top of this blog for more “Admiration’ posts!

That’s All!

See Ya xx

10 comments on “Weekly Photo Challenge: Admiration

  1. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Admiration | Musings of a Random Mind

  2. Pingback: Admiration (Flower Parade 1) | What's (in) the picture?

Go on.....say something to me! You know you want to! Dot knows you want to too!