Weekly Photo Challenge: (Extra)ordinary and Macro Monday!

Whilst out for a walk I saw this little chap on the ground. “Oh,” I thought, “an ordinary beetle!”

But on second rather harder looking I saw that he was a rather Extraordinary beetle!!

He is a Violet Ground Beetle. If you look closely you can see they are black with a metallic purple sheen, especially around the flattened edges of its fused wing cases!

He is a Violet Ground Beetle. If you look closely you can see they are black with a metallic purple and pink sheen, especially around the flattened edges of its fused wing cases!

That’s All!

See Ya xx

Weekly Photo Challenge: (Extra)ordinary

As I walked through the fields behind my house last week I saw something that I found Extraordinary!

There was a patch of field that the farmer has set aside and is not using. In this area were some poppies and a few other plants that I am familiar with. Then I saw this one…..

I tried to look up purple flowers that bloom in October to no avail-mostly because my computer is on a go slow which is trying my patience somewhat!

I tried to look up purple flowers that bloom in October to no avail-mostly because my computer is on a go slow which is trying my patience somewhat!

I have walked along the side of this field for 6 Octobers and have not seen this flower before at this time of year! I might have just missed it previously…who knows?

Anyway, here are another couple of photos of this pretty plant….

IMG_4932 IMG_4931

If anyone knows what it is (with a working computer!) then please let me know!

That’s All!

See Ya xx