Thursday’s Special

I believe this is a member of the Longhorn Moth family…

You will see why I think he might be a member…..

Lenny Longhorn (if that is indeed his name!) sat in the Autumn sun and pondered.....

Lenny Longhorn (if that is indeed his name!) sat in the Autumn sun and pondered…..

What he didn't know was that he would provide a sad middle to tis post....yes that is Lenny in the canal! (Pretty colours though!)

What he didn’t know was that he would provide a sad middle to this post….yes that is Lenny in the canal! (Pretty colours though!)


Ans now, just a couple of photos I rather liked…

IMG_8217 IMG_8216If you want to see more Thursday’s Special….here’s the link to Paula’s blog….

That’s All!

See Ya xx

5 comments on “Thursday’s Special

  1. You don’t disappoint Elle ๐Ÿ™‚ I was away on business and had no opportunity to check out your offering sooner. Now I have seen it, and I love it ๐Ÿ™‚ Thank you so much.

  2. Pingback: Thursday’s Special: รจ u tempu sร  (and the time knows) | Lost in Translation

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