Weekly Photo Challenge: Creepy

Now, I don’t often take a creepy photo and I don’t think beetles are creepy! But when we got home last night, this little fella was jiggin’ and whizzin’ around on the doorstep and quite made us jump!

I also didn't get my lighting quite right!

I also didn’t get my lighting quite right!

I decided that I had  to pop him the right way up….and here he is!

I think I'm going to have to try harder to take creepy photos!

I think I’m going to have to try harder to take creepy photos!

To see more and probably better creepy photos visit https://dailypost.wordpress.com/dp_photo_challenge/creepy/

That’s All!

See Ya xx

6 comments on “Weekly Photo Challenge: Creepy

  1. Yes, you are definitely going to have to do SOMETHING if you want creepy. 🙂 This Alexander beetle is far from it – although the completely blown-out shot is maybe a wee bit … odd … XO

Go on.....say something to me! You know you want to! Dot knows you want to too!