Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Things with Edges

On a recent trip to Northern Ireland, we visited Dunluce Castle, which has an edge or two I can tell you…..

IMG_4938 IMG_4949 IMG_4951 IMG_4956 IMG_4964 IMG_4963 IMG_4965 IMG_4966 IMG_4973 IMG_4974 IMG_4967

This challenge come from Cee if you would like to visit to see other entries!

That’s All!

See Ya xx

15 comments on “Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Things with Edges

  1. … all except that shot of the ground: I loathe what they’ve done there. Such small stones between so much bloody grouting !! I’m perfectly sure they could’ve done something MUCH better ! [grumble grump]
    But the other shots are gorgeous: who is that person with very short legs at the window ? 😉

Go on.....say something to me! You know you want to! Dot knows you want to too!