Weekly Photo Challenge: Monochromatic 3

A powerful monochromatic image is composed of a gradient of a single colour, and has an emphasis on texture and composition.

So here are some more…..

IMG_1463 IMG_2288 IMG_3069 IMG_3412

(Note to my dear M-R…I hope these are generally a little more pure in their ‘monochromaticity!’)

That’s All!

See Ya xx

Weekly Photo Challenge: Monochromatic 2

A powerful monochromatic image is composed of a gradient of a single colour, and has an emphasis on texture and composition.

Here’s some I made earlier!

IMG_6376 IMG_4513 IMG_5964 IMG_1037 IMG_2967 IMG_4628 IMG_6461

You have probably noticed that my theme colour is green!

That’s All!

See Ya xx