Thursday’s Special

Meet Marmaduke the Muscovy Duck….

"Hmpf!" said Marmaduke, "I suppose I'd better get in the water but it ain't half cold on my feet!"

“Hmpf!” said Marmaduke, “I suppose I’d better get in the water but it ain’t half cold on my feet!”

Within moments Marmaduke was steaming across the canal….


He put on his best streamlined shape to get across as fast as possible!


Once on the other side, Marmaduke had a jolly good shake and prepared to look at the beautiful sunset! (Please note-he didn't hurt his neck in this manoeuvre fortunately!)

Once on the other side, Marmaduke had a jolly good shake and prepared to look at the beautiful sunset! (Please note-he didn’t hurt his neck in this manoeuvre fortunately!)

"Ah!" sighed Marmaduke, "Warm feet and the sun sparkling up there! What could be better?" Marmaduke was often much more poetic than this but had had a tiring day at work!! (Or is that me?)

“Ah!” sighed Marmaduke, “Warm feet and the sun sparkling up there! What could be better?”
Marmaduke was often much more poetic than this but had had a tiring day at work!! (Or is that me?)

To see other Thursday’s Specials visit Paula…here’s the link

That’s All!

See Ya xx