Two Very Silly Limericks!!

Two Limericks…..

with photos!!

(of course!)

Limerick One

Whilst Saul Squirrel was saying his prayers…..

Whilst Saul Squirrel was saying his prayers…..

And Dante was preening his layers….

And Dante was preening his layers….

Digby Duck looked sly...

Digby Duck looked sly…

And Daring Duck tried to fly...

And Daring Duck tried to fly…

Leaving Drayton who just stands and stares!

Leaving Drayton who just stands and stares!

Limerick Two

There once was a duck who loved bling…..

There once was a duck who loved bling…..

You could say it was his 'Thing'!

You could say it was his ‘Thing’!

He persuaded the others…..

He persuaded the others…..

To tell all the brothers…..

To tell all the brothers…..

So even the cygnets joined in!!

So even the cygnets joined in!!




That’s All!

See Ya xx

10 comments on “Two Very Silly Limericks!!

Go on.....say something to me! You know you want to! Dot knows you want to too!